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Three Key Statistics About Bedsores (Aka Pressure Ulcers)

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Bedsores are injuries to the skin that occur from constant pressure. They are called bedsores because they are common in people who are confined to their beds for long periods of time, such as hospital patients or nursing home residents. In 2009, the CDC (the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention published a report about pressure ulcers at nursing homes as part of its National Center for Health Statistics. The data reflects its research of nursing homes in 2004. Here are three key findings.

  1. In 2004, about 159,000 current U.S. nursing home residents (11%) had pressure ulcers. That’s more than 1 in 10 of all residents.
  2. Stage 2 pressure ulcers were the most common.
  3. Only 65% (roughly 2 of 3) of nursing home residents with stage 2 or higher (more severe) pressure ulcers received special wound care services.

If you or a loved one developed bedsores, it’s time to take action against the nursing home for their neglect. Holding the nursing home accountable will help protect future residents of the facility from sustaining bedsores.

For answers in a compassionate (and free) consultation with a bedsore injury lawyer serving Maryland and Washington, D.C., please call (410) 698-1717 or contact Brown & Barron online today.
