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Why Would a Nursing Home Resident Leave the Facility Unattended?

Why Would a Nursing Home Resident Leave the Facility Unattended?

For a variety of reasons, nursing home residents may choose to leave the facility unattended. In some cases, it is out of boredom or restlessness due to lack of stimulation in their environment; for others, it could be because they are seeking something that is not provided at the nursing home such as visiting friends or family outside the facility.

It may also be a sign of dementia and confusion if they forget where they are going or don’t understand why they shouldn’t leave. Whatever the reason, leaving without permission can put them in danger and should always be taken seriously by caregivers and staff members.

What Procedures Should Be In Place to Prevent Elopement?

To effectively prevent nursing home elopement, there are several procedures that should be implemented and adhered to. To begin with, all nursing home staff should be trained in recognizing the risk factors for elopement, including those related to physical and cognitive health issues. Employees should also be familiar with the facility's layout and security measures in order to respond quickly if an elopement does occur.

Additionally, the facility should take measures to reduce the risk of elopement, including installing alarm systems on doors and windows and regularly assessing residents for potential risks. Staff should also be diligent in monitoring patients who may be at a higher risk for elopement, such as those with dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

How to Prove a Nursing Home Is Liable for Your Loved One’s Injuries

When a nursing home fails to provide proper care and your loved one is injured, you may be able to prove the facility is liable for their injuries. Establishing liability in a nursing home case requires showing that the facility was negligent, which means they failed to meet an accepted standard of care. To do this, it’s important to collect evidence from medical records and eyewitness accounts as well as expert testimony about what constitutes reasonable care for someone in the same situation.

It’s also necessary to show that the negligence caused or contributed significantly to your loved one’s injury. If successful, proving a nursing home is liable could result in financial compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, emotional distress, lost wages due to missed work time related to recovery efforts and other damages.

Call us at (410) 698-1717 to discuss your potential case.
