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A Dire Quiz: Is It Time To Rescue Mom Or Dad From The Nursing Home?

Older person wearing a green face mask
During challenging times such as these, families frequently turn to Brown & Barron for advice. One of the most oft-asked questions is related to removing a loved one from a nursing home. That decision is always a personal one, and there are many factors to consider. During this pandemic, in which perhaps 4 of 10 fatalities due to COVID occur in a nursing home, that question is on the minds of many of our neighbors, and the National Council on Elder Abuse has formulated a comprehensive self-evaluation.

They encourage you to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Does your loved one want to leave?
    Residents have the right to leave the facility and reside elsewhere if they choose. • Talk to the facility about leaving and the ability to return; and get everything in writing. • If care is covered by Medicaid, what are your rights for holding your bed (if applicable) and returning at some point in the future?

  2. Is your home adequately equipped?

Does your loved one need a special bed or other equipment like a wheelchair, shower chair, or elevated toilet seat? Can they maneuver in the bathroom? Can they manage stairs?

  1. Who will provide the personal care your loved one needs?
    Will you provide the care yourself or hire a caregiver? If hiring, do you know that they are available to provide care? What are the costs? How will you pay for it? • Many residents need help with their personal needs such as eating, bathing, toileting; as well as with transfers, such as in and out of bed or chairs. If they need help transferring, are you able to safely assist them? Is a second person needed?

  2. Is there a risk of exposure to COVID-19?

Are your family members practicing social distancing? What happens if someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19 after you get your loved one home?

  1. Who will oversee their medical care and medications?

Many residents rely on the nursing home’s medical director to oversee their care. Will you need to find a doctor in the community?

  1. What will happen if your family member needs more care than you are able to provide?
    Will you bring in additional help, or will they need return to a long-term care facility? Can they return to the facility where they currently live?

Our attorneys at Brown & Barron, LLC focus on representing nursing home residents who have been neglected or abused. We know first-hand how these facilities function, and just how vulnerable residents are to injuries. If you believe you or a family member has suffered as a result of nursing home negligence, we invite you to contact our team as soon as possible to learn more about your rights and options.

To learn more about how the coronavirus is affecting nursing homes and their residents, visit our COVID Resource Center. To contact our team, call (410) 698-1717 today for a consultation.