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How to Report Potential Nursing Home Abuse

elderly individuals playing cards at a table

Reporting potential abuse and neglect of residents in nursing homes in Maryland is important for protecting and safeguarding vulnerable individuals. Fortunately, it's easy to take action. In Maryland, anyone with knowledge or information about the mistreatment of a nursing home resident can make a report 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Maryland's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

All reports, even anonymous ones, must be investigated as soon as possible by the local county health department. If you suspect someone is being mistreated or neglected - either physically or mentally - at a nursing home facility, don't hesitate to contact their Office on Aging hotline at 1-800-243-3425 or file an online complaint on their website. Your call could prevent future harm and help ensure those residing in care facilities are receiving appropriate treatment and living conditions.

Recognizing the Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing homes should be places where the elderly can receive proper care and feel safe. Unfortunately, abuse in these facilities is more of a reality than we would like it to be. It is essential to recognize the signs of nursing home abuse before it escalates further, as the elderly are often reluctant to speak up or unaware they are being mistreated.

Victims of nursing home abuse may show signs of physical injuries, an increase in depression or anxiety, sudden weight fluctuations, non-compliance with treatment plans, and even changes in personality. It is important to stay alert and watchful for any signs that may require further investigation as no individual should have to endure such mistreatment.

Information You Want to Have When Reporting Nursing Home Abuse

Knowing what information to have when reporting nursing home abuse can be overwhelming. However, gathering the necessary and relevant information is essential for a successful outcome. All evidence and contact details should be collected, including pictures or video clips of the abuse, as well as the name and contact information of the person who is making the complaint and any possible witnesses.

Also important are complete medical records from before and after the event, pay stubs or other documents that prove financial transactions with the victim, lists of medications taken by the patient, availability of staff in shifts and records related to disciplinary actions within that facility. This can all help to put together a more coherent picture upon filing a formal complaint.

Reporting Nursing Home Abuse to the Proper Authorities

No one has the right to abuse or neglect a nursing home patient, and when it does occur, it’s important for family members and loved ones of the victim to step up and report it to the appropriate authorities. Abuse can come in many forms: physical, emotional, financial, and even sexual violence. It’s essential that these acts of mistreatment be taken seriously since elderly residents may feel too intimidated or powerless to come forward on their own accord.

Sadly, many cases of nursing home abuse go unreported simply because no one is aware that anything wrong is even happening. It’s time we put an end to this epidemic and give those who cannot defend themselves a voice. If you suspect that a resident of a nursing home is being mistreated in any way, don't hesitate to contact local law enforcement or Adult Protective Services immediately.

Why It’s Important to Have Legal Assistance for a Nursing Home Abuse Case

When a loved one is suffering from nursing home abuse, it can be an incredibly difficult situation to try and resolve without legal assistance. Beyond the emotional aspects of dealing with such a traumatic experience, there are also very important legal ramifications that must be taken into consideration. A qualified attorney will help ensure that your rights and those of your family member are upheld under the law.

Additionally, because these cases can involve many levels of bureaucracy and seemingly endless paperwork, having someone experienced with navigating through the complexities of this type of case can provide peace of mind. Finally, if a lawsuit is necessary in order to receive justice, a lawyer will have the means to help you do just that. Allowing a skilled professional to guide you through this experience streamlines what could otherwise become an unbearable process.

At Brown & Barron, LLC, we make it a top priority to safeguard you and your family. Trust that our Baltimore nursing home abuse lawyers will work on your behalf.

Call us at (410) 698-1717 today! We’ll stand in your corner!
