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Common Case Types In Medical Malpractice Law

Stressed medical worker
While many of the cases discussed in civil jury trials revolve around car accidents, some situations can be far worse because of the parties involved. Medical malpractice is one of the most challenging areas of personal injury law. It’s imperative to recognize the various case types that may arise and how to move forward with legal action.

Surgical Errors

These are some of the worst types of medical malpractice events that can happen. No matter the cause, surgical errors can include any of the following actions:

  • Doctors operating on the wrong patient
  • Doctors operating on the wrong part of a patient’s body
  • Doctors leaving an object inside the patient post-surgery

Other errors that can occur during surgery can include too much or too little medication, contamination, and more.


When a doctor sees a patient, they must take the time to analyze the symptoms the patient is displaying correctly. They must also order the necessary testing to confirm their first thoughts. Once they diagnose a patient, the doctor can begin treatment.

Unfortunately, doctors can make specific errors when diagnosing a patient due to multiple conditions having overlapping symptoms. The doctor may diagnose you with something less severe than what you have. The misdiagnosis can cause you to miss out on vital treatment options or receive the treatment you don’t need.

Emergency Room Errors

Thousands of people visit emergency rooms monthly. They’re busy areas of the hospital and are often full of individuals with conditions ranging from illnesses to injuries. Because of the speed at which doctors must see patients in this department, there is a significant amount of room for error.

Doctors may make the following errors:

  • Confuse you with another patient
  • Misdiagnose your condition
  • Discharge you without properly treating you
  • Provide treatment that causes you more harm than good

At Brown & Barron, we recognize how dangerous medical malpractice is and the different types of cases that may arise. When you suffer injuries because of a negligent medical professional’s actions, our Baltimore medical malpractice lawyers are here to help you pursue justice.
